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Ministry of Education New Zealand

To qualify for a technology class school bus, at least 8 of your school's students must:

  • be attending their closest provider of technology classes, and
  • be at least 1km away from the site of the classes.

Technology class bus services are reviewed by us in Term 4 every year to make sure the right transport assistance is in place for your school for the following school year.

You can send us updated information on timetables and student numbers at any time during the year.


Technology Class Conveyance Allowance

A Technology Class Conveyance Allowance may be available for a school if their Year 7 and 8 technology provider is at least 1km away, and:

  • there are 7 or fewer students, or
  • a school prefers this type of funding.

The Technology Class Conveyance Allowance rate is paid at a rate of $3.44 per student per school week.

It is paid quarterly.

How we calculate your school's funding

We use your school's July roll numbers to calculate your annual Technology Class Conveyance Allowance. If we are calculating it for the first time, we use the July roll from the previous year. We then adjust funding when we receive your current year's July roll numbers.

If you have an increase in students, we will adjust your funding from Term 4 and backpay the difference from the start of the year.

If your roll has less students, we will adjust funding from the start of the next school year.

Apply for a new technology class school bus or funding

To apply for a technology class school bus or conveyance allowances, contact the resourcing team.


Changes to technology class transport

If your school's technology class provider or other arrangements change, you must apply to us for approval.

If your new technology provider isn't the nearest one to your school, your board will have to meet the transport costs.

To change your technology provider, fill in the application form on the 'technology provision for Years 7 and 8' page.

Technology class staffing and transport for Years 7 and 8

  • Primary (years 0-8)
  • Secondary (years 9+)
  • Private
  • State
  • State Integrated
  • Te reo Māori pathways