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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Five standards

There are 5 standards that your playgroup will need to comply with.


There are 2 criteria within this standard:

  • one requires the playgroup to plan for, provide and review an education programme that is consistent with the curriculum framework prescribed by the Ministry of Education
  • the other requires a procedure for positive guidance of children's behaviour.

Premises and facilities

There are 8 criteria within this standard. These include:

  • design and layout of premises
  • outdoor space
  • furniture and equipment
  • toilet/handwashing and drying facilities.

Health and safety

There are 12 criteria within this standard. These include:

  • emergency management and evacuation procedures
  • hazard management
  • maintaining good health and safety practices at the playgroup.

Management and administration

There are 6 criteria within this standard. These include:

  • procedures and records to be maintained that deal with financial management
  • enrolment and attendance records
  • involvement of parents in decision-making.


This standard requires playgroups to ensure that more than half of the children attending any session have a parent or caregiver present in the same play area at the same time. At the very least there must be 1 adult for every 4 children present in the same play area at the same time.

Refer to Glossary for information on the ratios standard.


Before the Ministry of Education can undertake a certification assessment, your group will need to complete an application form. Staff at your regional Ministry of Education office will arrange for a site visit to assess whether the playgroup meets the requirements of the 2008 regulatory system.

Education (Playgroups) Regulations 2008 – New Zealand Legislation

Certification criteria for playgroups