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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020–2030 

What the Action Plan for Pacific Education is

The Action Plan for Pacific Education (the Action Plan) maps the Government’s commitment to transforming outcomes for Pacific learners and families and signals how early learning services, schools and tertiary providers can achieve change for Pacific learners and their families.

The Action Plan was launched in July 2020 and set out the Government actions we had committed to in 2020. We committed to regularly monitor and report on the progress of the Action Plan and to regularly update the Government actions in the Action Plan to make sure that we capture all the work Government is doing. 

Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020–2030

Progress report 2020-2022

Refresh of the Action Plan for Pacific Education for 2023

We are pleased to share the refresh of the Action Plan for Pacific Education for 2023.

Action Plan for Pacific Education for 2023
Action Plan for Pacific Education for 2023

Download the summary

English summary
2023 Whakahoutanga | Whakarāpopototanga
Te Parāni no te Turanga ‘Āpi‘i o te Moana-nui-o-Kiva e ‘Akakor
‘Amnåk fak Garue se rak tē ‘on Famӧr Pasefika ‘e 2020–2030
Fuafuaga o Galuega Faatino mo A‘oa‘oga Pasifika 2020–2030

Alternate formats

NZSL video

Action Plan for Pacific Education

audio icon

Audio summary - Action Plan for Pacific Education for 2023

Alternate format - Audio
Easy Read summary
Easy Read summary
Large print summary (short version)
Large print summary (long version)
Braille summary

Hard copies 

Early learning centres, schools and tertiary institutions

Hard copies of the 2023 refreshed action plan for early learning centres, schools and tertiary institutions will be available to order from the end of September 2023.

To order, go to Down the Back of the Chair or email

Catalogue – Down the Back of the Chair

Individuals or community group

If you are an individual or community group who would like hard copies, email your request to

What has changed in the refresh

The refresh of the Action Plan for Pacific Education 2023 includes the Government’s current investment, more actions and captures our focus on Pacific languages in education. 

The 2023 refresh of the plan includes: 

  • a strengthened focus on Pacific bilingual and immersion education and Pacific languages in education through a change to key shift 1
  • the next set of Government actions that will further contribute to achieving the vision and 5 key shifts for Pacific education success.

Read more about this change:

Pacific languages in education

5 key shifts

The plan identifies 5 key shifts and a set of actions that are needed to achieve this vision: 

  1. Work reciprocally with diverse Pacific communities to respond to unmet needs, including growing and supporting Pacific bilingual and immersion education pathways.
  2. Confront systemic racism and discrimination in education.
  3. Enable every teacher, leader and educational professional to take coordinated action to become culturally competent with diverse Pacific learners.
  4. Partner with families to design education opportunities together with teachers, leaders and educational professionals so aspirations for learning and employment can be met.
  5. Grow, retain and value highly competent teachers, leaders and educational professionals with diverse Pacific whakapapa. 


The action plan has resources and guidance for early learning services, schools, tertiary providers and families and communities, including planning templates.