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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Equity funding is instead based on the Equity Index. The Equity Index estimates the extent to which young people face socio-economic barriers to achieving in education.

The Equity Index has been under development for several years. Over that time, multiple changes have been made to its methodology, and possible approaches to using the Index to allocate resourcing. As a result, much of the analysis in the following papers is, while accurate at the time of writing, not necessarily reflective of the Equity Index and funding approach used at the time of implementation in 2022.

Some related work had previously been undertaken as part of the Education Funding System Review. That review has now ended as a standalone project.

Updating donations scheme eligibility under the equity index
Finalising the Equity Index funding approach
Equity Index transition approach and other implementation matters
Differences between school decile and equity index
Allocation of the Special Education Grant