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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Technical and vocational education

At a senior secondary school level, students may begin to specialise in vocational learning. They can get help into work or tertiary education from a number of programmes and institutions.

Youth Guarantee

Youth Guarantee courses provide students aged 16–19 with an opportunity to study towards NCEA Level 1-3 or Level 1-3 certificates at tertiary providers free of charge. These courses are usually vocationally focused.

NCEA tertiary training – Youth Guarantee

Trades academies

Trades academies teach trades and technology programmes to students in Years 11–13 (ages 15–18). They are run through schools and other providers.

Trades academies – Youth Guarantee

Institutes of technology

Institutes of technology and polytechnics teach professional and vocational education and training from introductory studies to degrees.

Industry training organisations represent particular industries (eg, agriculture, building and construction, motor trade). They offer training and qualifications for those sectors. They funded by the government and industry.

Learn with purpose – Te Pūkenga

Private training

Private training establishments offer specific vocational courses at certificate and diploma level (eg, travel and tourism).

Study and train at private training establishments – Careers NZ


New Zealand has 3 wānanga or state-owned Māori teaching and research institutions. They teach according to āhuatanga Māori (Māori tradition) and tikanga Māori (Māori custom). They offer certificates, diplomas and degrees. Some teach in specialised areas up to doctorate level.

Study and train at wānanga – Careers NZ


New Zealand has 8 state-funded universities. Each university offers degrees in a large choice of subjects and has strengths in specialised professional degrees.

All of the universities are well recognised internationally. They work with universities in other countries on research and teaching programmes, and with the business community in New Zealand and overseas on research and development.

Study and train at universities – Careers NZ