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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Which roles count as attached teachers

The attached teacher roles are:

  • resource teachers of Māori (RTM)
  • resource teachers of hearing impaired (RHI)
  • resource teachers of vision impaired (RVI)
  • resource teachers – literacy (RTLit)
  • resource teachers – literacy Māori (RTLitM).

If your school hosts one or more of these teachers, you will have funding and staffing entitlements for the role or roles.

Other types of additional staffing and services

Your school may host other teachers, such as the RTLB service, itinerant teachers, or regional health school teachers. These teachers are funded differently and are not 'attached teachers' for staffing and funding purposes.

Staffing and funding entitlements for attached teachers

For each attached teacher, the employing school board receives:

  • additional staffing support time of 0.05 full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) per 1 FTTE
  • payment of a salary unit
  • administration grant funding
  • travel grant if applicable.

Attached teachers must be paid from teachers’ salaries (TS). You can only pay the salary unit to the resource teacher. They're not part of the board’s general staffing entitlement.

Find attached teacher staffing allocation in Pourato

On the staffing entitlement screen, expand the 'attached teacher' line to see your FTTE and salary units.

To see position appointment information for an individual staff member, look under 'additional entitlement' on the Teachers tab.


How the roles are allocated to schools

Each region has an allocation of attached teacher roles. Talk to your regional office if you'd like to know more about hosting attached teachers.

Regional offices

Administration and travel costs

Schools that have attached teachers receive an administration grant in their operational funding to help meet hosting costs. It is a fixed annual rate, per attached teacher.

Administration grant

Travel grants are paid to boards of schools with itinerant positions including attached teachers. There are set rates, and the grant is paid in operational funding.

Ask your attached teachers for a travel programme for approval at the start of the year to check their estimated travel costs are within the board’s budget.

Travel grant

  • Primary (years 0-8)
  • Secondary (years 9+)
  • Private
  • State
  • State Integrated
  • Te reo Māori pathways