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Ministry of Education New Zealand

What roll returns are

Roll returns give us data about the students enrolled at each school in New Zealand.

All schools and kura must submit a roll return to us in March and July each year. Schools with students in funding year levels 9 to 15 must also submit returns in June and September each year.

We use roll return data for:

  • funding and staffing schools
  • identifying students who may need additional support to participate in learning
  • monitoring results across the New Zealand education system
  • supporting policy analysis
  • national and international reporting.

Preparing your roll return

Our Education Counts website has guidance on how to prepare and submit your roll return.

School roll return guidelines – Education Counts

How to submit a roll return

Send your electronic roll return file directly from your student management system (SMS).

If your school does not use an SMS there are Excel templates to use. You must submit these through our Secure Data Portal.

Roll return collection forms – Education Counts

Roll return auditing

We audit roll returns to make sure schools receive the correct funding and staffing.

You need to keep accurate roll returns for auditing. This includes keeping documents to support the information you provide in your returns.

School and kura resourcing roll audits

  • Primary (years 0-8)
  • Secondary (years 9+)
  • Private
  • State
  • State Integrated
  • Te reo Māori pathways