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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Protect children from inappropriate material

You must protect children from exposure to inappropriate material, such as material with an explicitly sexual or violent nature. This includes supervising children’s use of technology including the internet.

Read the requirements and how to meet them for your service type:

Protect children from adults who are unwell

If you suspect someone is physically or mentally unwell in a way that could pose a risk to children, you must prevent them from coming into contact with children at your service.

Physical or mental unwellness includes:

  • any physical or mental condition that could be dangerous (for example, strange or disturbing behaviour, or aggression)
  • any infectious or contagious disease or condition.

An unwell adult may need to be excluded from your premises. This is permitted by Regulation 57 of the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008.

Regulation 57 – New Zealand Legislation

If someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs

You must make sure no adults at your service are under the influence of alcohol or any other substance. This includes during drop-offs and pick-ups of children.

This applies to adults living in a home where home-based education and care takes place.

Read the requirements and how to meet them for your service type: