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Ministry of Education New Zealand
  1. Call emergency services

    Call emergency services if you need the Police, fire service or an ambulance.

  2. Get medical assistance

    Get immediate medical assistance for a child who is seriously injured or becomes seriously ill and notify a parent. There is more information about this in our licensing criteria.

    Licensing criteria for centre-based services

  3. Put your plan into action

    Put your service's emergency plan into action. The checklist below can help with your response.

    Responding to traumatic incidents

Reporting serious injury, illness or incident

If there is a serious injury, illness or incident involving a child at your service, you may need to notify another agency. If this occurs you will also need to contact us.

Our guidance set out what you must do and who needs to be notified.

Contact our traumatic incident team

In a serious event, contact our traumatic incident team. Traumatic incident teams are based in all our regional offices. You can contact them at any time.

Freephone: 0800 TI TEAM (0800 848 326) (NZ only)

What our traumatic incident teams do

After a sudden and disruptive event, our traumatic incident teams work alongside your service. Together, they will help you put processes in place for the safety and wellbeing of tamariki | children and staff.

That includes returning your service to normal operations as much as possible so children can be supported by the people they know and trust.