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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Kia ora koutou

We have known for more than a decade that maths outcomes decline between Years 4 and 8 – against the old curriculum.

What the Curriculum Insights and Progress Study (CIPS) has revealed, is when progress and achievement are assessed against the refreshed curriculum – with better calibrated levels – that only 20% of Year 3 children are at or above the curriculum benchmark. It improves a bit (28%) in Year 6 and then declines again at Year 8 (22%). Progress and achievement are not spread evenly across all groups of students – the outcomes for children from low socio-economic circumstances tend to be lower than that of their peers.

CIPS was developed and implemented under the previous Government to provide a baseline for achievement against the refreshed curriculum. The current Government has announced a plan to respond to the results.

Nicotine addiction, whether cigarettes or vapes, distracts students from attending school and concentrating on learning when they are there. There is an invitation in this bulletin to share any approaches that have been successful in reducing the level of nicotine use.

Kia ora rawa atu


Attendance, achievement and assessment

New action plan to tackle maths achievement

On 4 August, the Government announced its action plan to tackle maths and pāngarau achievement.

Government transforms maths education – Beehive

The action plan, Make It Count, accelerates the mandatory use of the refreshed mathematics and statistics learning area from the New Zealand Curriculum and the pāngarau wāhanga ako from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa for Years 0 to 8. This will now be in use from the start of 2025, not 2026. So that teachers and kaiako have time to focus on maths and pāngarau, the Minister of Education, Hon Erica Stanford, also agreed that the timeline for the new science and technology curriculum will be pushed out. This will now align with other learning areas. For the latest curriculum timeline, visit:

Curriculum timelines changing – Tāhūrangi

A key part of the action plan is the support that will be available to teachers and kaiako to manage the changes. Read about this at:

Government announces Make it Count – a maths action plan – Tāhūrangi 

Cohort 2 PLD for structured approaches to literacy and te reo matatini

Applications for Cohort 2 Ministry-funded PLD open on 26 August. Cohort 2 prioritises Years 0 to 3 teachers who have not had any prior training in structured teaching approaches. The PLD will open to teachers of Years 4 to 6 during 2025.

The PLD is also accessible to RTLB /RTLiT and reading recovery teachers attached to your school, as well as regular and day relieving teachers and staff employed on a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) – include them on your application.

If you have staff already trained in structured literacy or te reo matatini approaches, you can still access this PLD for those who have not had any structured literacy training.

For more information, how to apply and the list of approved providers of this PLD, visit:

PLD for structured literacy and te reo matatini approaches – PLD Education 

Consultation on updated learning areas and wāhanga ako open  

Updated drafts of the mathematics and statistics learning area for Years 0 to 8 and Te Reo Rangatira wāhanga ako for Years 0 to 6 and pāngarau for Years 0 to 8 are now available to view.

You can find this content, along with supporting information and an online survey on our Tāhūrangi website. This survey will close on 6 September.

We intend to release the draft English learning area for Years 0 to 6 on 26 August. We are strengthening some areas of the teaching sequence following feedback received from the Education Review Office’s (ERO) independent quality assurance process and from teachers and kaiako. You will have four weeks to provide your feedback through until 20 September.

Your informed insights are important and will be used to inform further refinement of these learning areas and wāhanga ako before they are expected to be used in schools and kura from Term 1, 2025.

For questions regarding TMOA email, or on NZC email

Events and opportunities for gifted learners

Events and opportunities are available to enable gifted learners to connect and collaborate with like-minded peers. These Ministry-funded out-of-school experiences are being delivered in various regions across the country. For more information, visit:

Events and opportunities for gifted learners – TKI

Additional support is also available to identify gifted learners and develop classroom and school-wide programmes to meet learners' needs. The support is provided in students’ own schools or kāhui ako (cluster of schools).

Ministry-funded targeted additional support – TKI 

2024 Ngarimu video and waiata composition competition applications extended

The competitions provide ākonga Māori in Years 7 to 13 opportunities to practise storytelling and research and to learn about the history of the 28th (Māori) Battalion.

The application period for entries by an individual, a team, or a kura has been extended to 1 September.

To find out more, including prize amounts and how to apply, visit:

Ngarimu video competition – Ministry of Education

Ngarimu waiata composition competition – Ministry of Education 

Reminder: TALIS survey closes 29 August

We encourage those participating in the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) to check the survey has been completed online before 29 August. A fully completed survey is our aim but please note even partially completed surveys will give us valuable information.

We thank principals and teachers who have taken part this year. The study will not run again until 2030 so this was a key opportunity to contribute your view. Contact if you have any queries. 

How schools decide to close for instruction

Historically, boards have made choices about when to close their schools during term time and over time the reasons for closing for instruction have expanded. The regulations state to close for instruction, schools need approval from the Minister or their delegate.  
The Minister of Education Erica Stanford has granted approval for schools closing for instruction in 2024 that meet both the following criteria:

•    that the school community has been notified by the board of intended closure prior to start of Term 3, and 
•    The board can still meet the minimum number of half days required under the regulations for the 2024 school year. 

Any planned closures in 2024 that don’t meet the above criteria will need separate Ministerial approval. Contact with the subject line ‘closing for instruction’ if you have any queries. We will provide information about an improved process for 2025 onwards by the end of Term 3. To find out more, visit:

How schools decide to close for instruction – Ministry of Education

Education (when state schools must be open and closed) Regulations 2024 – New Zealand Government

Curriculum teacher-only days

In November, there is one more previously approved teacher-only day (TOD) that meets these criteria. The delivery of this TOD has been made more flexible so schools and kura can use this day to cover one of the required three days of structured literacy approaches or Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā. Teachers and kaiako not involved in this professional learning and development (PLD) could use the time to cover the material focused on maths and pāngarau curriculum implementation.  

Schools who are not involved in the new structured literacy or Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā PLD, should continue to plan the TOD within the original timeframe to minimise disruption to whānau.

Maths and pāngarau curriculum days were announced as part of the Make It Count Maths Action Plan, and detail about these days and the support will be made available over the coming weeks. 

School strike notifications

We are consulting on changes to school strike notifications to extend the required notification of strike action.

The proposal presents three options for extending the school strike notification, including:  
•    no less than three working days
•    no less than seven calendar days, or 
•    retaining the status quo of three calendar days.  

The intent is to provide more time for whānau and schools to make alternative childcare and learning arrangements ahead of strike action, while still preserving the rights of teachers and other staff to strike. Consultation on the proposal closes 6 September. Find out more, or make a submission at:

Options to extend the school strike notification period 

Health, safety and wellbeing

Successful strategies to combat vaping

We’d like to hear from schools that are successfully tackling student vaping as we gather ideas and resources for further action. We’re also interested in insights on the prevalence/availability, or otherwise, and the use of nicotine pouches. Email us at

Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches programme update

The Associate Minister of Education, Hon David Seymour, has invited food manufacturers, producers, wholesalers, and distributors to register their interest in the Alternative Provision Model for Term 1 2025, which will continue to provide nutritious and delicious lunches for children and young people in participating schools and kura. 
Up-to-date information can be found at:

Government Budget 2024 announcement – Ka Ora, Ka Ako

Registration of interest in the Healthy School Lunches programme is now open at:

Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Alternative Provision – GETS

For any queries, email

Asbestos management plan template

An asbestos management plan (AMP) template is available to help you to comply with the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016, so you can appropriately manage asbestos-containing materials within your school property.

Managing asbestos in schools

Schools with buildings built before 1 January 2000 that do not have an AMP are advised to engage a qualified and experienced asbestos surveyor to identify the location and condition of asbestos-containing materials, give advice on how to properly manage the materials, and create an asbestos register that will be the basis of their AMP.

For more information or advice on asbestos management, email

Workforce and resourcing

Workforce Initiative Searcher for Principals

Our new Workforce Initiative Searcher for Principals (WISP) is an interactive tool where you can explore a range of workforce supports, programmes and initiatives that can help you with recruiting and retaining staff.

Workforce Initiative Searcher for Principals – Education Workforce

The tool has the benefit of allowing you to select your specific school or kura to see the initiatives for which you are eligible. We encourage you to share the tool with colleagues to promote awareness.

If you have any patai, email

Resourcing information

Private School Circular 2024

The circular will be published on 10 September.

2024 Quarter 4 operational funding

This funding will be published on Pourato on 20 September and be paid on 1 October. Visit our website for more information and instructions on how to access it:

Operational funding

For support with your operational funding contact

2025 provisional roll and resourcing entitlements

These will be published on 13 September and you can view the provisional roll, staffing entitlement and indicative funding under the rolls tab in Pourato. Please check you have selected the year 2025 in the drop-down on the top right-hand side of the screen.  

School boards can apply for a review of their 2025 provisional roll from 16 September to 15 November. Request a review at:

Provisional roll review – Ministry of Education

2025 school donations scheme

The opt-in process remains aligned with your July roll return. If you opted in to the scheme for 2025 when you completed the roll return, no further action is required.

For teen parent units, activity centres and other attached units that can’t opt in as part of the July roll return submission, you can only opt in by completing the 2025 donations scheme opt-in form before 20 November:

2025 Donations scheme opt-in form – Ministry of Education

You can view your 2025 equity index (EQI) on 13 September. A small number of schools and kura whose 2025 EQI is 432 or higher will become newly eligible to opt in to the school donations scheme for 2025. If you decide to opt in, please complete the 2025 donations scheme opt-in form.  More information, and the opt-in form can be found at:

Fees, charges and donations – Ministry of Education

Any patai, contact, or get in touch with your school finance adviser:

School finance contacts

Governance, planning and infrastructure

Consultation on the vocational education and training redesign opens

The Government is proposing to reform the vocational education and training sector, including disestablishing Te Pūkenga and replacing it with a system that restores regional decision making and connections between Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) and their communities.

You can find out more about the proposals here:

Have your say on the vocational education and training reforms

Secondary–tertiary programmes, such as Gateway and Trade Academies, will continue to be supported.

We welcome your views on these proposals. We will be holding meetings with The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to discuss them. The dates and locations of these meetings, as well as details of how to register to attend, will be published on the TEC website:

Home – Tertiary Education Commission

Charter School/Kura Hourua selection underway

Charter Schools/Kura Hourua are a new type of state-funded school based on a contract between the Crown and a sponsor (organisation or business). They will offer more flexibility in what is taught and how it is taught, as long as children are safe, attending school and achieving. Alongside the intended greater flexibility, they will be subject to greater oversight and accountability.

The new Charter School Agency is currently assessing applications from people interested in establishing a charter school or converting a state school to a charter school. Decisions will be made later this year by the independent Charter School Authorisation Board. Find out more here:

About charter schools – Charter Schools Agency 

Cyber safety and web filtering

To keep your school and kura as safe as possible, see this helpful guide from Network for Learning (N4L) that provides practical information about cyber safety and web filtering.

Cyber safety and web filtering [PDF, 136 KB] 

To enhance security and comply with Government cybersecurity standards, we will be introducing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for accessing the Delegated Authoriser (DA) link in the Education Sector Logon (ESL) application. This will be phased in over the next few months, with the initial tranche of users having this feature enabled from 30 August.

MFA will help safeguard your account and the personal identifiable information it contains. We will be providing guidance throughout the rollout process. 

Online buying advice sessions

We are running online information sessions. Staff responsible for buying are encouraged to join to learn how to get best overall value when purchasing. Any queries, contact

Buying print technology and associated services (both sessions are the same):

Monday 26 August, 3.15–3.45pm – Microsoft Teams 
Tuesday 27 August, 3.15–3.45pm – Microsoft Teams

Buying 101 (both sessions are the same):

Monday 9 September, 3.15–3.45pm – Microsoft Teams
Tuesday 10 September, 3.15–3.45pm – Microsoft Teams

To find out more, visit:

Buying advice for schools

Infrastructure sector forum – 28 August

These forums are an opportunity for school representatives and us to share information on school infrastructure – property, transport, ICT and technology. For more information on topics for this forum and to register your interest, visit:

Infrastructure forum, 28 August 4–5pm – Microsoft Teams